Invited Speakers Eradicate Cancer 2018

Exploring the interface between ethics and practice: unproven cell therapies in the twilight zone? (#56)

John Rasko 1
  1. RPAH, Newtown, NSW, Australia

Immunotherapies including checkpoint inhibitors and CAR-T cells have captured the attention of many scientists, physicians and cancer sufferers. The convergence of substantial incremental technical advances towards combined cell and gene therapy has led to improved clinical outcomes in immune deficiencies, haemoglobinopathies, immunotherapies and other inherited diseases. However in parallel with objectively proven therapies ‘stem cell tourism’ has become a billion dollar industry with increasing examples of false claims. Embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells have been mired in controversy and clinical development has been forestalled. We reported an analysis of the global distribution of more than 400 unique businesses marketing stem cell-based interventions. Many of these online entities promote clinical applications of ‘stem cells’ beyond present-day standards of care. These data should be of immediate concern to governments and ethicist being lobbied to amend laws governing the manufacture, distribution and clinical use of human cell-based medical products. Unregulated, untested or unsafe stem cell ‘therapies’ place the field at a difficult crossroad. Blurring the lines that distinguish evidence-based cell therapies from those that are not remains a fundamental public health concern.

  1. Berger I, Ahmad A, Bansal A, Kapoor T, Sipp D, Rasko JEJ. Global distribution of businesses marketing stem cell-based interventions. Cell Stem Cell, Aug 2016 19(2):158-162
  2. Sipp D, Caulfield T, Kaye J, Barfoot J, Blackburn C, Chan S, De Luca M, Kent A, McCabe C, Munsie M, Sleeboom-Faulkner M, Sugarman J, van Zimmeren E, Zarzeczny A, Rasko JEJ. Marketing of Unproven Stem Cell-Based Interventions: A Call to Action. Science Translational Medicine, 2017 Jul 5;9(397)
  3. Sipp D, McCabe C, Rasko JEJ. Show drugs work before selling them. Nature 2017 543:174-175,